Why I’m No Longer Accepting Facebook Friend Requests from Colleagues

Solo Childfree Woman
4 min readMay 26, 2022

I’ve learned the hard way

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

I’m a teacher. I’ve been out of the classroom since 2020, but I’m about to return. My new job begins at the end of July, and there’s a decision I’ve been grappling with. Deep down, I know what to do, but I hate awkward situations.

Should I accept friend requests from my new colleagues?

Truth be told, I don’t want to. I’ve come to a place where I only want Facebook “friends” I’m actually friends with.

From prior experience, I know that well-intended colleagues will start sending friend requests soon after meeting. I’m pleased that they like me and want to get to know me. I will probably feel the same way!

I just don’t want it to be through social media.

Do I really need to know that much about my workmates? Do they really need to know that much about me?

In reality, only a handful of these people will probably actually become friends. For the rest of them, I am content with not knowing who they voted for, what they ate for lunch that day, or how they look in a bikini. I don’t think they need to know these things about me either.



Solo Childfree Woman

Lifestyle lore for 21st century cat ladies and witches. Same username on Instagram and TikTok.